Generating strategic management advice and initiating Best Management Practices for clients promotes the level of care on farm.  Without minimizing individual animal care, herd care and production medicine forge the greatest impact on animal health.   Our veterinarians’ commitment to deliver excellence in animal care includes working with our clients through each management step, establishing management protocols in all areas of production medicine with emphasis on:

Management decisions are based on measurable data. Our team encourages, provides and supports dairy herd management software that records, organizes and analyzes data for the purpose of making decisions that improve productivity, support safe and sustainable food production, and enhance farm profitability.


The first weeks of life for a baby calf are vital for health and growth to maturity, first calving, and beyond. We are focused on providing the best treatment and care for your herd’s calves and heifers by providing you with calf health care, preventative medicine, dehorning and nutrition guidelines.

Services provided in part:

    • calf feeding/nutrition consultation
    • diagnostic workups of calf scours and calf respiratory disease outbreaks
    • calf health and treatment
    • calf dehorning training
    • professional welfare assessment of on farm calf raising/management
    • casting fractured legs
    • IV fluids setup and administration
    • housing and ventilation management
    • vaccination protocols


Cow comfort is synonymous with animal well-being. Clean and comfortable animals are happy and healthy and will be the most productive in the dairy.

Management strategies coupled with animal housing to include proper barn and stall design and adequate bedding will aid in maximizing cow comfort.

We will work with you to ensure cow comfort is a priority.


Lameness is a major distress for cow comfort and well-being, significantly impacting productivity and profitability of the farm. It is regarded as a painful condition with many different causes. Developing a preventative program to reduce lameness in your herd is a priority for us.

Services provided in part:

    • locomotion scoring and lameness assessment to identify indicated actions
    • claw lesion identification
    • lameness treatment protocols
    • prevention strategies outlined in our Best Management Practices


Udder health is very important to ensure high quality milk. We offer professional expertise and tools to assist in attaining the best udder health possible.

Services provided in part:

    • animal handling for moving cows into the parlor
    • milking prep procedures; putting milking machines on clean, dry, well stimulated teats
    • milking system design, installation and operation analysis in collaboration with milking equipment companies
    • mastitis prevention protocols
    • milk culture and sensitivity on mastitis pathogens
    • antibiotic residue testing
    • benchmarking and analysis of udder health

These services are in place to support safe and sustainable food production.


The impact of nutrition on health and disease is an important area of veterinary science. By paying attention to the nutritional needs of the animal, we can maximize health, performance, longevity, and prevent disease.

Nutrition is a cornerstone in the prevention of many diseases by focusing on the cow’s metabolic needs and promoting a robust immune system. Our veterinary team collaborates regularly with feed industry dairy nutritionists to review feed inputs and total mixed ration (TMR) deliverables. Balanced rations with quality ingredients delivered to the cow in ways to promote intakes will provide optimal production outputs while maintaining healthy animals.


Reproductive performance is the foundation for a sustainable dairy operation. We offer professional expertise and tools to assist you in achieving your dairy farm’s goals for reproductive success.

Services provided in part:

    • ultrasound for early and accurate pregnancy diagnosis, fetal sexing, twin diagnosis and ovarian structure identification during routine herd health visits
    • pre-breeding reproductive health exams
    • reproductive programs specific to your farm goals
    • benchmarking and analysis of reproductive performance

Management decisions are based on measurable data. Our team encourages, provides and supports dairy herd management software that records, organizes and analyzes data for the purpose of making decisions that improve productivity, support safe and sustainable food production, and enhance farm profitability.